Founded in 2010 as Chattahoochee RiverWarden, we are a Columbus, GA based 501c3 organization with the mission to protect the Chattahoochee River through the use of science, education, and advocacy. In 2018 we changed our name to Chattahoochee River Conservancy to better define our role within the community. We are proudly headquartered in downtown Columbus at the Spencer Environmental Center.
We believe riverfront communities and their waters are mirrors to each other. The health of one is a direct reflection of the health of the other. By improving water quality, protecting native species, and protecting our environmental progress, we are improving the quality of life and economic progress of our communities as well.
Our organization was founded on the idea of relationships and we believe the core of our work is in changing our citizen's and businesses' relationship with the Chattahoochee River and tributaries. These waters pour from our faucets, flush our toilets, nourish our bodies, flow past our houses, and provide a recreation destination vital to our economy and our enjoyment. It is of the utmost importance that we work together to protect and restore the Chattahoochee River and ourselves.